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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Page format is A4 with single line spacing (including footnotes and references). The margins are 2.5
cm. The font type and size should be Times New Roman 12. - The paper should be written in Microsoft Office Word programme (MS Office Word 95 and later
versions), with no spelling or grammar errors - The title of paper must be written in capital letter, bold ,font size 16.
- MS Office Word tools in the References - Style menu options: select the APA menu. Manuscripts that
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subheadings should not be numbered. Subheadings can be of maximum level three. - The names of authors must be written in bold, font size 14.
- The title of paper must be written in capital letter, bold ,font size 16.
Copyright Notice
Statement by the author
In the process of peer review and/or publication of the abovementioned paper in the journal EMC REVIEW - „Economy and Market Communication Review – Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije“ I hereby guarantee that:
- I am the sole author of the entire paper/I am the sole author of my part of paper developed in co-authorship with authors (delete unnecessary)
- The paper is not undergoing a procedure of peer review/publication in another journal
- The paper has neither partially nor entirely been previously published elsewhere, in no media
- I have fully abided by the principles of scientific integrity (full respect of copyright or any other ownership rights when developing the paper, for example, the paper uses no figures, tables or charts which are in any way protected or whose use requires an approval by the authors, all sources have been adequately cited etc.).
By this Statement of Authorship and Copyright I grant to Pan-European University „Apeiron“ in Banja Luka it being the publisher of the journal EMC REVIEW - „Economy and Market Communication Review – Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije“ , all copyright over the abovementioned paper (the right to communicate it to the public, distribute and reproduce) with no charge. As the author of the paper, I reserve the right to be identified as the author in every instance of its publication or of the inclusion of complete bibliographic units of the final published version of the paper and of the use of paper for educational and other non-commercial purposes with no prior approval of the publisher/Editorial Board.